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Rev Cloud Custom SSL Certificate Policy

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TitleRev Cloud Custom SSL Certificate Policy
ProblemVbrick offers Rev Cloud customers the opportunity to use their own SSL certificate for a custom URL address
(such as “”). This functionality can be used with the customer’s Rev tenant, as well
as any/all child tenants, as long as the certificate(s) supports it. The certificate must be paid for, and
maintained, by the customer and must meet the requirements listed in this article.
Certificate Application/Renewal Requirements
  1. The customer must own/purchase the rights to the URL.
  2. The URL must not be offensive, derogatory, or illegal, in any nature.
  3. All SSL certificates and supporting certificates must be in PEM format (which is a subset of X.509).
    1. If certificates of any other formats are received, they will be rejected, and the certificate request/renewal process will start over.
  4. All required intermediate, root, CA, etc. certificates must be included, and be compiled in the correct order, when returning the signed certificate to Vbrick.
  5. All renewal requests must be submitted to Vbrick 30 days ahead of time.
    1. For example, if the new certificate is to be renewed on 1 June, Vbrick will need the completed certificates by 1 May. This is to prevent any interruption in service.
Application Process
The custom SSL certificate request/renewal process is as follows:
  1. Customer submits a custom SSL request/renewal to Vbrick Customer Support with all the required information for a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
  2. Vbrick Customer Support sends the CSR information to Vbrick Product Operations, who creates the CSR and returns to Vbrick Customer Support.
  3. Vbrick Customer Support sends the CSR to the customer for signing.
  4. Customer has the certificate signed/completed by a third-party certificate vendor and obtains all the necessary supporting certificates (intermediate, root, server, CA, etc.) and compiles them in the correct order.
  5. Customer returns the certificate to Vbrick Customer Support, who sends it to Vbrick Product Operations.
  6. Vbrick Product Operations implements the certificate online, after-hours.

Certificate Specifications
The following information is required for all certificate applications and renewals:
  1. Country Name (2 letter code): US
  2. State or Province Name (full name): New York
  3. Locality Name (example, city): New York
  4. Organization Name (example, company): Acme Systems, Inc.
  5. Organizational Unit (example, section name): InfoTech Dept.
  6. Common Name (example, server FQDN name):
URL NameCustom-SSL-Certificate-Policy



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