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Content on DMEs

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TitleContent on DMEs
ProblemWhen is content added to DMEs?
There are two ways DMEs are selected to have content added to them automatically. Both settings are found by navigating in Rev Admin to DevicesàDME Management then selecting a DME from the list.  The settings are in the “Storage” section:
  • Checking “VOD Playback Device”
    • This designates the DME as a playback device for stored content. Clients in the zone, to which this DME has been added, will be directed to it for playback when selecting a piece of stored content.  If the DME already has the content it will serve it to the client.  If the DME does not have the content, the client is redirected to Rev for the content, and the DME informs Rev it was asked for a piece of content it did not have. Rev will then have the DME download this content, either from Rev or another DME which has it, for the next client request, so it is available locally.  In this manner not all content is downloaded to all DMEs, only content that has been requested gets populated on the DME.
  • Checking “Preposition Content”
    • If a DME is designated as a VOD Playback Device and also set for Preposition Content, all video content added to the system will be downloaded by the DME.
      • The prepositioning of content can also be scheduled to take place during off hours by checking the “Schedule Sync” box and configuring a time for it to happen daily.
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