A wildcard (star cert) certificate is an SSL certificate which can be applied to multiple hosts. The CN in the cert is typically *.domain.
Applying Certificate to DME
- The certificate from the CA should contain (request entire certificate chain):
- Primary Certificate
- Intermediate Certificate(s)
- Root Certificate
- Private Key
- The file applied to the DME has to be in PEM format.
- If the CA returned the pieces in .pem format the text simply needs to be copied from each piece and put in the correct order.
- If the CA returned .cer files you can right click on them to open them with Notepad. The text can then be copied from each file to create a .pem file
- If you do not know which piece is which, use of the certificate tools website can help.
- Creating the file in PEM format
- Determine which is the Primary, Intermediate, Root certificates, and Private Key
- The order of the PEM should be: Private Key, Primary, Intermediate, Root (see pem-ssl-creation site)
- Copy the text from each into a blank text file with BEGIN and END text for each section.
- Each Private Key section should start with: ----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----
- Each Private Key section should end with: ----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----
- Each section should start with: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
- Each section should end with: -----END CERTIFICATE-----
- Save file with .pem extension
Applying certificate to DME
- Log onto DME, navigate to System Configuration-->SSL Certificate
- Copy entire text from previously created .pem file into “Install New Certificate” window
- CHECK “PEM Includes Key”
- Input FQDN of DME
- Click “Verify and Install New Certificate”
- DME will reboot
- To test proper application of certificate
- Open a browser and browse to the ULS URL for the DME
- It should return the IP address of the machine you browsed from